Kevin Reitz and Jeff Orcutt both had gchat status messages of something along the lines of, "What the fuck happened last night?"
I'm pretty sure most of the photos from that night are unpublishable, but here are two of the tamer ones:
Photos by Steph Kwan
There's also a 20-minute video of body shots.
There are no pictures of Joe in his Spongebob tighty-whities (yellowies?).
Nor of Jim dressed (down) as the devil.
Or full-frontal nudity. (Images have been scraped from my brain.)
ANNOUNCING: 2012 Nanjing’s Spring Fling Ultimate Frisbee Tournament /
南京第二届极限飞盘公开赛报名 [April 21-22]
By Simon Laing Dear Captains, 各位队长: You’re invited to Nanjing’s Spring
Fling Ultimate Frisbee Tournament. 我们诚挚地邀请大家在这个阳春三月,来参加2012年第二届南京极限飞盘公开赛。
We have ar...
12 years ago
now that i don't get to witness the fun first hand, i realize how frustrating your hints at the craziness are...