Monday, August 17, 2009

WEEKEND ROUNDUP: Goodbye to Larke and final BUSL regular season standings

Larke, who's shown in all her glory here, has left Beijing. She held a goodbye dinner on Saturday, and unlike most people who leave this wondrous city of ours -- that is, in a drunken stupor after careless consumption of liquid poison -- Larke kept her dignity by hosting a dinner in Wudaokou [correction: Kevin and Therese's apartment at DZM]. Incredibly, she cooked a sumptuous Indian meal. Kevin Reitz has all the details over at his blog.

Alicia, Larke and Helen

Best we can tell, Larke (like the bird) is leaving us for the States to change the world. She came in late January on a government grant to research air pollution, and we're sure she's leaving with expert firsthand knowledge. A laid-back SoCal native with an international bent who's quick to laugh and, despite protestations against drinking, fun at parties, it didn't take long for Larke make friends, especially with locals. One Scarlett Yan, for example, actually commented on one of my Facebook pictures to say she missed her.

Indeed, Larke, we will all miss you. Be sure to visit sometime.

And now your Week 6 summer league video, Catcher in the Sky vs. Hello Sexy:

Youku version here.

Alph the Sacred River blew another 4-0 lead, this time to Alchemy. With its 13-11 win, Alchemy secured the No. 1 seed for Sunday's finals and will play Catcher in the Sky in its semis.

I won't ruin the ending of the Hello Sexy-Catcher in the Sky game. Just know it went to Universe Point.

Final standings:
Alchemy: 4-1, +13
Hello Sexy: 4-1, +4
Catcher in the Sky: 1-4, -7
Alph the Sacred River: 1-4, -10

1 comment:

  1. Correction or Omission:
    Larke's party was not held in or near Wudaokou. It was hosted by Ace and me at our Donsishitiao pad.
